Monday, September 29, 2014

In class Friday, I thought that it was interesting reading through everyones stories and really having to pay attention to certain details to try and guess clues about the writer. That exercise really helped me to be a more focused reader and to pay closer attention to things I may not usually. In addition, I thought it was interesting when we discussed the readings from the previous week and how many people agreed on certain things and disagreed and other details in the stories. One thing that stood out to me in particular is at the beginning of the movie Carrie, how different society was then and now. For example during the incident in the locker room after gym class, today it would be socially unacceptable to treat someone that way, not only by the fellow students, but also by the administration. This also made me think of how different society is throughout the different readings we've had in class so far, including values and also what the overall take on society is by the people during those different times.

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